Debian vs Solus: Similarities & Differences!




In this article let us have a look at 2 very popular distros Debian and Solus and see where each distro shines so that you can pick one that best suit your needs!

For those of you in a hurry, here is the short version of the answer.

The Short Version Of The Answer

What are the differences between Debian and Solus? The main difference between Debian and Solus is Debian is meant for users who are looking for a stable distro that has the best software and hardware support while Solus is meant for users who need an original distro built from the scratch using latest software engineering principles

The table below highlights the important differences between the 2 distros

Debian Solus
Organization Name Debian is one of the oldest and grandest distros available with one of the largest online communities and this is the most-forked distro in the world!

Organization Type: Community

Solus is a community made this operating system which aims to provide the best operating system for personal computers

Organization Type: Community

Expertise Level Needed Intermediate Intermediate
Based On This is an original distro! This is an original distro.
Target Use-cases General-purpose Distro

Best Use-case: For use in workstations, ARM-based systems, older hardware

Other use cases: Debian has flavours/versions available for almost any kind of use case!

General-purpose Distro.

Best Use-case: For use on Personal Computers

Other use cases: can be used for content creation, content consumption, Gaming and if you need more latest packages without waiting for the next release

Software Support 10/10

Out of the box software: 5/5

Software Repository: 5/5

Has the biggest collection of software in their official repos with over 59000 packages!


Out of the box software: 4/5

Software Repository: 3.5/5

Hardware Support 9.5/10

Official driver support: 4.5/5

Support for older hardware: 5/5

Supports multiple processor architectures

Has proprietary drivers and open-source drivers available.

Can support very old hardware.


Official driver support: 3/5

Support for older hardware: 3/5

Hardware Resource Needs Middleweight to heavyweight based on the version you choose. middleweight
Support 9.5/10

Paid support: Consultants can be hired

Community: 5/5

email lists and online chatting support platforms

Documentation: 4.5/5

Very comprehensive online documentation


Paid support: not available

Community: 3.5/5

Documentation: 3/5

Ease of use 6/10 Medium

Best suited for intermediate users.

8/10: Easy
Stability 10/10 Very stable

The main focus of Debian is stability and this distro is known for its rock-hard stability!

8/10: stable as long as you use the official repos
Release Cycles Fixed Release: Once 2 years Rolling Release. Packages are released once they are stable.

The graph below summarizes the table and compares the 2 distros and shows us how they compare with each other on various factors (Higher the points the better that particular feature is in a given distro)

That is just the short version of the answer, let’s go ahead and look at the longer and more informative version and learn more about the similarities and differences between 2 distros.

The Linux Distributions World

The word Distro is short for “Distribution”. Since the Linux source code is open for everyone to see, large communities started evolving to bring together Operating Systems suited towards specific needs/goals.

These “specific needs/goals” include, but not limited to the following.

* producing documents

* writing programs and creating software

* editing pictures, videos, audio and multimedia-production related works

* store sensitive information by securing the operating system so that no one can hack into it or just browse the internet and consume media.

Say a community of people just wanted to browse the internet with their computers, then there is no point giving them the software to write programs in. Thus since every community’s needs and goals were different these communities started distributing built images of this operating system with all the essential tools installed. These prebuilt images are called distros!

If you wish to know more about the reason behind the presence of so many choices in the Linux World, I suggest reading the article given below.

Reasons Behind The Existence of SO MANY Linux Distros: An Analysis!

The Main Factors of Comparison

The factors mentioned above are just a small list of 100s of factors that differentiate distros. If you are either switching from some other OS to Linux or you are in the process of choosing your next Linux distro and you are confused which one to choose, you need to have a look at these top 5 decision-making factors

* Factor#1: Good Match with your Particular use-case

* Factor#2: Support for your favourite software

* Factor#3: Hardware Support and Proprietary Driver Support

* Factor#4: Your level of expertise in Linux

* Factor#5: Hardware Resource Needs

I have written a separate article explaining these factors which you can find in the link below

Top 5 Factors To Choose Between Linux Distros!

Let’s have a look at each of these important factors and see how Debian and Solus compare against each other.

Factor#1: Good Match with your Particular use-case

By use-case, I mean the type of work you are going to be doing on your computer. Linux distro world originated because of the difference in use cases.

Debian’s goal is wildly different from that of Solus’s.

Let’s have a brief comparison between Debian and Solus in terms of goals, target users and best use cases to employ these distros.

Debian Solus
Goal To create a free operating system that can be installed in almost any hardware with a strong focus on stability To be the best OS for Personal Computers
Target users Intermediate users who need an original Linux distro with the most supported software packages and processor architectures. Home users, Content creators, Gamers
Best Use-Cases to Employ the Distro General-purpose Distro

Best Use-case: For use in workstations, ARM-based systems, older hardware

Other use cases: Debian has flavours/versions available for almost any kind of use case!

Best Use-case: For use on Personal Computers

Other use cases: can be used for content creation, content consumption, Gaming and if you need more latest packages without waiting for the next release

Factor#2: Support for your favourite software

If your main work involves some specific software or latest versions of a given software then that becomes a decision-making factor for choosing a Linux Distribution. So before fixing on a given distro, be sure to google if that distro has official support for your main software needs.

The factors you need to be considering include the following

* Out of the Box support: The software that the distro ships with.

* Repository Support: The curated software that is available on the official repos

* Type of release cycle: This decides the trade-off between up-to-date software and stable tested software.

* Availability of Graphical Software managers

* Package manager used: This can decide the ease of which you can install and uninstall software

Let’s see how Debian and Solus fair up against each other in the category of Software support

Debian Solus
Out of the Box Software 5/5: You can download a complete image with the most software packages! 4/5: Comes preloaded with LibreOffice suite and other necessary apps
Repository Support 5/5: Has the biggest collection of software in their official repos with over 59000 packages! 3.5/5: You will not find everything available in the Linux world on the repos, this distro is still in its growing phase
Type of release cycle Fixed Release: Once 2 years Rolling Release. Packages are released once they are stable
GUI Software Management Tools Available: We can use the Synaptic Package Manager or GNOME Software Centre. Available

Solus software centre

Package manager used Apt package manager eopkg package manager (Solus’s own package manager)

The bar chart below summarizes the table above. As you can see, Debian is better than Solus in terms of Out of the box software support. Debian is better than Solus in terms of Repository support.

Hence, Debian wins the round of Software support!

Refer to the article below if you wish to learn more about package managers.

A Beginners Introduction To Linux Package managers: apt, yum, dpkg & rpm

Factor#3: Hardware Support and Proprietary Driver Support

Not all Linux distros support proprietary drivers officially. Depending on your computer’s hardware, you may or may not have open-source driver support from the manufacturers. This is especially true for hardware such as graphics cards and network cards. Hence it is a good idea to take “driver support” into consideration while choosing your next distro.

The factors you need to be considering include the following

* Distro’s Policy of use of opensource vs proprietary 3rd party software

* Official driver support by Major Companies

* 3rd party driver support from official repos

* Support for older hardware

Debian Solus
Distro’s Policy User-focused distro: Proprietary drivers officially supported Defaults to open source but proprietary drivers are also officially supported
Official driver support by Major Companies 4.5/5: Being one of the oldest and most forked distros, most companies provide .deb packages 3/5: Solus is still in its early stages with a small community and hence major hardware companies don’t support Solus officially
3rd party driver support 3rd party repos available 3rd party repos available
Support for older hardware 5/5

Supports multiple processor architectures

Has proprietary drivers and open-source drivers available.

Can support very old hardware

3/5: does not support 32bit processors

The bar chart below summarizes the table above. As you can see, Debian is better than Solus when it comes to official driver support. Debian is better than Solus in terms of support for Older Hardware.

Hence, Debian wins the round of Hardware support!

Refer to the article below if you wish to have a look at some of the top distros in terms of hardware support.

Best Distro For Software And Hardware Support: A Comparison!!

Factor#4: Your level of expertise in Linux

Depending on your level of expertise in Linux, the choice of the distro you need will vary. This is because of the following factors

* Ease of use: beginner, intermediate, expert

* Paid customer support: available, not available

* Online community support: great, good, okay, not good, no support

* Available Documentation: Great documentation, Good documentation, Okay documentation, no documentation

Let’s see the level of support available for Debian and Solus and see how they compare against each other

Debian Solus
Ease of Use Intermediate level of expertise needed. Intermediate
Paid Customer Support Consultants can be hired
if needed
Not available, hence might not be the best choice for organizations
Online Community Support 3/5: email lists and online chatting support platforms 3.5/5: good responsive community
Documentation 4/5: Very comprehensive online documentation 3/5: Has plenty of tutorials to do basic tasks, but lacks technical documentation.

The bar chart below summarizes the table above. As you can see, Debian is better than Solus in terms of online community support. Debian is better than Solus in terms of Documentation.

Hence, Debian wins the round of User support!

Factor#5: Hardware Resource Needs

This is an important factor if you are planning to employ Linux on a computer with limited hardware resources. This may be an old machine or a new one with less than stellar specs.

The factors you need to be considering include the following

* Category: Lightweight or Middleweight or Heavyweight

* RAM Requirements to have a snappy system &

* Minimum processor requirements

Let’s see how Debian and Solus fair up against each other in terms of Hardware resource needs

Debian 0
Category Middleweight to heavyweight based on the version you choose. Middleweight
Minimum RAM requirements 1GB (2GB recommended) 2GB recommended
Minimum Processor Requirements 1GHz Dual-core processor 64bit processor

Refer to the article below if you wish to have a look at a step by step guide for choosing a Linux distro for your computer’s specifications.

A Complete Guide For Choosing A Distro For Your Computer’s Specs..!!

The Results!

Let us know go ahead and see the results of our comparison! Have a look at the Bar chart below.

As you can see Debian wins in Software support, Hardware support, User support, and Stability.

Solus wins in Ease of use.

There is a tie between the 2 distros in Hardware Resource needs.

I suggest you pick the distro that best suits you based on this graph. For example, if hardware support is more important to you, then pick the distro that has better support for your hardware!


To summarise the article here is the comparison table from the beginning of the blog again.

Debian Solus
Organization Name Debian is one of the oldest and grandest distros available with one of the largest online communities and this is the most-forked distro in the world!

Organization Type: Community

Solus is a community made this operating system which aims to provide the best operating system for personal computers

Organization Type: Community

Expertise Level Needed Intermediate Intermediate
Based On This is an original distro! This is an original distro.
Target Use-cases General-purpose Distro

Best Use-case: For use in workstations, ARM-based systems, older hardware

Other use cases: Debian has flavours/versions available for almost any kind of use case!

General-purpose Distro.

Best Use-case: For use on Personal Computers

Other use cases: can be used for content creation, content consumption, Gaming and if you need more latest packages without waiting for the next release

Software Support 10/10

Out of the box software: 5/5

Software Repository: 5/5

Has the biggest collection of software in their official repos with over 59000 packages!


Out of the box software: 4/5

Software Repository: 3.5/5

Hardware Support 9.5/10

Official driver support: 4.5/5

Support for older hardware: 5/5

Supports multiple processor architectures

Has proprietary drivers and open-source drivers available.

Can support very old hardware.


Official driver support: 3/5

Support for older hardware: 3/5

Hardware Resource Needs Middleweight to heavyweight based on the version you choose. middleweight
Support 9.5/10

Paid support: Consultants can be hired

Community: 5/5

email lists and online chatting support platforms

Documentation: 4.5/5

Very comprehensive online documentation


Paid support: not available

Community: 3.5/5

Documentation: 3/5

Ease of use 6/10 Medium

Best suited for intermediate users.

8/10: Easy
Stability 10/10 Very stable

The main focus of Debian is stability and this distro is known for its rock-hard stability!

8/10: stable as long as you use the official repos
Release Cycles Fixed Release: Once 2 years Rolling Release. Packages are released once they are stable.

Hope you have got enough data to choose between these 2 amazing distros!

And with that, I will conclude this article!

I hope you guys enjoyed this article and learned something useful.

If you liked the post, feel free to share this post with your friends and colleagues!

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Reasons Behind The Existence of SO MANY Linux Distros: An Analysis!

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Balaji Gunasekaran
Balaji Gunasekaran is a Senior Software Engineer with a Master of Science degree in Mechatronics and a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He loves to write about tech and has written more than 300 articles. He has also published the book “Cracking the Embedded Software Engineering Interview”. You can follow him on LinkedIn