Lightweight vs Heavyweight Distros: A Comparison!

As a beginner to the Linux world you will often hear the words “Lightweight distros”, but what does it mean? What are Lightweight Distros? Lightweight distros are Linux distributions specially made keeping old and resource constraint hardware in mind so that the user can have a responsive and lag-free computing experience even on your old … Read more

Distro-Hopping, What, Why & How Explained!

As a beginner to the Linux world some time back, when I came across the word Distro-hopping, I thought it is some kind of a game that Linux users play and that idea sounded so cool that even I wanted to be a part of it and play this distro-hopping game! What is Distro Hopping? … Read more

Linux Distros vs Flavors vs Derivatives: Differences Explained!

During their journey in exploring the Linux universe every Linux beginner will come across to these 3 very similar terms, Distro, Flavors, and Derivatives. In this article, I have presented the differences between these 3 terms in a beginner-friendly format along with the prior knowledge every beginner needs to have to understand them. So let’s … Read more

yum & dnf Explained for Beginners!

When I was a beginner in Linux and I wanted to install any software, the online instructions I found would ask me to type something like this on my Fedora’s or CentO’s terminal or something like this So I used to wonder what are these yum and dnf commands. In this article, I am trying … Read more